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Pre-Implantation Trial of Histopathology In renal Allografts

All Information supplied by the PITHIA Team

A new clinical trial for kidney transplantation – which is called the PITHIA trial. All the kidney transplant centres in the UK are taking part in this trial and it will introduce a national biopsy service (for the assessment of kidneys, prior to transplantation, from deceased donors aged 60 years or older).

Why are we doing the PITHIA trial?

The aim of PITHIA is to allow doctors to perform higher numbers of good quality transplants using kidneys from older donors. Many potential kidney transplants are from donors aged 60 years or older, and many of the kidneys from these donors are not used (due to worries about how these kidneys may work). But we are aware that age alone is not a good predictor of kidney health and so many good kidneys may be discarded rather than transplanted. The PITHIA trial will allow doctors to look at each kidney in more detail (using a biopsy). The biopsy service will hopefully allow doctors to identify more good kidneys for transplantation.

Further information about the trial can be found on the website (

Click here to view the letter sent to all Kidney Patient Associations in England and Wales

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Please also discuss with your renal consultant.

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